Thursday, January 1, 2009

JSA = Touching (new additions!!)

You're in for a treat if you pick up JSA 22, which came out this week. I won't spoil anything for you but I will say that Alex Ross FINALLY drew a feminine Diana. And if that doesn't excite you maybe Kal and Diana's small army of children will. (scroll to the bottom of the page)

I also added a Countdown special and Teen Titans Annual on that page. While the Teen Titans issue doesn't really contain anything straight out SM/WW, you have to wonder what Cassie is insinuating in that second page...

And special thanks to SailorLibra for pointing out our ship in Adventures of Superman Annual 6 and Adventures of Superman 435 found here. As well as the second part of Created Equal.


Noah0z said...

I have that issue of Adventures of Superman Annual 6 lol. Talk about a disaster.

HELLACRE13 said...

Wow,finally we get something that will shut a few of the detractors up.That has got to be the most moving and touching panels I have seen in along time.Five super/wonder babies and our couple live a long good life as they were created to do.Thank you Ashlee for having this gallery.